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February 2021 Education Meeting

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Expressions of Care: Eliminating Barriers to Breastfeeding for Incarcerated Women

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Lesley Mondeaux BSN, IBCLC Executive Director at Northwest Mothers Milk Bank

Carrie Cohen MA, MS, IBCLC Portland State University, University Studies OHSU-PSU School of Public Health

Jessica Katz, MSW YWCA of Greater Portland, Family Preservation Project Director

Carly Itami  Student at Portland State University School of Social Work, Employee at Northwest Mothers Milk Bank

Topic Overview:

It is estimated that 80% of women in prison are mothers and 10% are pregnant at the time of incarceration. Women are the fastest growing segment of the incarcerated population in the United States. The Expression of Care program aims to eliminate barriers for women in Oregon who choose to provide breastmilk for their infant despite incarceration and separation. The program grew out of a collaboration between The Family Preservation Project, OHSU-PSU capstone students and Northwest Mothers Milk Bank.


  • Participants will be able to summarize characteristics of the population of adults in custody within the state of Oregon.

  • Participants will be able to accurately describe the mission and work of The Family Preservation Project and the Expression of Care program.

  • Participants will be able to identify at least three barriers to breastfeeding that impact adults in custody.

Application for 1.5 L-CERPS is pending through IBLCE for current OWLA members