NWMMB and Expression of Care Donations Go Live!

NWMMB and Expression of Care Donations Go Live!

We are thrilled to celebrate the Northwest Mothers Milk Bank’s grand reopening of their website as well as a brand new donation page! By making a donation, you can help gift fragile infants the best start to life and help ensure the safety and quality of human donor milk that they receive.

NWMMB shares, “Our mission is to improve the health and survival of the Northwest's most vulnerable babies. We believe every baby deserves access to human milk. Community, health, compassion, integrity, and generosity are the values that guide the work we do.”

In addition to the valuable work the Northwest Mothers Milk Bank does with our community, the Expression of Care program is particularly unique. During our February educational meeting, we had the pleasure of learning all about how this unique partnership with The Family Preservation Project, OHSU-PSU Capstone students, and NWMMB. If you missed it, you can find a recorded version of this presentation here.

Click here to support Northwest Mothers Milk Bank and The Expression of Care Program